0:38 美国地狱之火,猛攻 #胡赛武装;
9:30 #俄乌 停战 ,川普明天将和 #普京 通话;
13:19 川普支持率创历史新高,民主党陷新低;
20:28 川普宣布 #拜登 特赦全无效;
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《New US airstrikes on Yemen increase pressure on Iran-aligned Houthis》,Reuters
《US military shoots down Houthi drones as Trump’s strikes against terrorist group continue》,New York Post
《Trump says he will talk to Putin on Tuesday as he pushes for end to Ukraine war》,Sky News,Newsmax
《Poll: Trump faces early challenges on the economy as a unitea GOP backs big change》, nbcnews
《Trump ties for highest approval he’s ever had — as more Americans say US is on right track than any time in 20 years: poll》,New York Post