动态 – 宇欣 – 中国!禁片.|中国禁闻|中国禁文|中国禁书|中国禁图
  • 【细语人生】见证大法的神奇(第二十八集)生命科学博士人生录 Path of a Life Scientist Doctorate

    陈友贤博士在食品生命科学领域中追求卓越,对自己身体的照顾更是细致入微。然而病魔缠身,让她绝望。她花了半生研究生命科学却无法掌控自己的基本生存。 生命的希望究竟在何处? Dr. Chen Youxian pursues excellence in the field of food life sciences. She takes even better care of her own body. However, the torment of illness filled her with despair. She had spent more than half of her career researching life sciences, but...

  • 【细语人生】永远的选择 The Eternal Choice

    在那一瞬间我感觉被拽回了中国,我好像回到了小时候,我因为修炼受到的那些排挤,不公正的待遇,那些恐怖的 心情,难以入睡的晚上。那种绝望,也许只有经历过的人才懂…… At that moment, I felt as if I was pulled back to China.I felt like I was back to my childhood.I recalled being ostracized and what I faced as a child for practicing Falun Gong.Those terrifying feelings and sleepless...

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  • 【细语人生】少女命运的改变 The Change of a Girl’s Destiny

    身轻如燕,行云流水。每一个动作都浸透着她辛勤的汗水,每一个舞姿都描绘着她美丽的人生。 玮玮曾经因为中共的迫害而跌入人生低谷,是什么从新点燃了她生命的希望? 让我们跟随她的舞步走进她的人生画卷。 Light as a swallow, moving like flowing clouds and water. Each movement is soaked with sweat. Each dance pose depicts the beauty of her life. Weiwei was once persecuted by the CCP and fell to the lowest point in her life. What rekindled...

  • 【细语人生】一个命大的人 A Blessed Man

    今天的节目介绍的是一位神韵优秀的舞蹈艺术家-领舞孙弘威。 在他二十几年的生命旅程中,书写了两段在中共统治下悲哀而黑暗的历史,让我们一起走进他的人生故事。 Our program today introduces an outstanding Shen Yun artist, principal dancer, Sun Hongwei. In Hongwei's life journey of more than 20 years, he has written two sad and dark histories under the Chinese Communist Party. Let's delve into his life...

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